... and beyond

Besides being a professional harpist, she has two degrees in education, primary school and music pedagogy.

In 2018, after 13 years of teaching, she founded her own private harp school, arpini, now arpini harp academy (2022) where she tutors students in one-to-one lessons, group settings, and also online via Skype or Zoom.

Sandra Macher is very active in the fields of music communication. She recently performed her first children`s concert, "Aurora Saitenspiel", with her Trio Floreo (harp, cello, and clarinet) under the tuition of Dr. Constanze Wimmer at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.

„Aurora Saitenspiel combines a poetic listener’s situation with a child-friendly story of a harp that likes to travel. In a playful way harp, clarinet, and cello come to life, overcoming boundaries between dream and reality when they are making music together.” (Dr. Constanze Wimmer, 2019)

Since October 2019 she teaches as a lecturer at the institute for music pedagogy at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. From September 2020-August 2021 she taught harp at the Music School Kapfenberg.